Celebrations for lucky Portlaoise jackpot winner

Laois Nationalist
Super Slots

THE Portlaoise Parish Lotto jackpot has been won for the second time this month.

Lucky winner Ann McAuliffe scooped the top prize of €11,000 in yesterday’s draw, Thursday 26 May. The promoter was Brian Conroy.

The winning numbers were 03, 04, 15 and 22, while 13 match 3s won €77 each (See below).

It is only a fortnight since the last jackpot win on 12 May, when the prize was €14,000. The jackpot now reverts to €10,000.

The draw is held every Thursday evening in the parish centre and can be watched live on the parish website.

It can be played online via www.portlaoiseparish.ie with proceeds going towards parish churches, schools and communities.