Powerball draw 1317: Victorian wins entire $80 million jackpot

7 News
Powerball draw 1317: Victorian wins entire $80 million jackpot
Wild Casino

One very lucky Victorian has scooped the entire $80 million jackpot after the Powerball draw 1317 results were revealed on Thursday night.

The winning ticket was purchased online, however lottery officials do not have their contact details so have been unable to break the life-changing news.

In the video above, see the moment a Queensland woman is told she’s won MILLIONS on Powerball earlier this year.

The winning numbers were 17 - 10 - 4 - 26 - 19 - 23 - 21 and the Powerball was number 7.

“We are encouraging everyone in Victoria to check their entries because they may be the multi-millionaire we are searching for,” The Lott spokesperson Lauren Cooney said

It’s only the eighth time in Powerball’s 25-year history that there’s been a monster jackpot of this size.

“In addition to seeing the massive $80 million prize land in their bank account, this player also shares the title of Victoria’s biggest individual lottery winner and Australia’s third-biggest lottery winner,” Cooney added.

The Division 2 prize pool of $1,428,161.80 was shared by 13 winning tickets, while 219 tickets won a share of the $872,769.75 Division 3 prize pool worth nearly $4000 each.

This week’s $80 million winner now shares the title of the third biggest lottery winner in Australian history, and is the biggest Australian lottery winner so far this year.