Man gambles $5 in Las Vegas and wins $10 million in one night

Indy 100
Man gambles $5 in Las Vegas and wins $10 million in one night
Wild Casino

A man lived the Vegas dream recently after walking into a casino with just $5 and walking out with a staggering $10.1 million.

It’s the sort of thing that gamblers fantasise about, and it’s what keeps many of them coming back time after time.

Sadly, we don’t know much about the individual who managed to pull off one of the biggest wins in Vegas over recent times, but we do know that they managed to crack a slot machine with a reputation for being very difficult indeed.

According to IGT Jackpots, the unnamed punter turned up and had a go on the Megabucks slot machine at the Aria.

The stars aligned for the player, and they walked away with an incredible $10.1 million off the back of the small bet.

Not bad for a $5 flutter, right?

The odds of pulling off such a win are, of course, incredibly slim. According to, there have only been 20 people who have become multi-millionaires thanks to the Megabucks slot machines since they were first installed in 2005.

Of course, things don’t always go to plan when it comes to gambling in Las Vegas – and the stories aren’t nearly so uplifting.

In fact, one recent disturbing story saw a man admit to lying about terminal cancer to raise money to enter a poker tournament.

The Las Vegas World Series of Poker tournament is said to cost around $10,000, with the highest buy-in event at a staggering $250,000 for the Super High Roller.

In total, the man swindled people out of thousands, which he later admitted to the Las Vegas Review Journal.

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