Couple Face Prison Time for $10,500 Rivers Casino Scam

Author: Live Casino Direct
Couple Face Prison Time for $10,500 Rivers Casino Scam
Super Slots

Couple from Mississippi are facing prison time over a roulette scam which netted them $10,500.

Dielle Derohan and Shaun Benward are accused of stealing $10,500 from Rivers Casino in Pittsburgh. They used distraction tactics and secret signals to steal the money.

Couple were caught red handed at Rivers Casino. They managed to pull off their scam on three occasions over the course of two days. Derohan would play roulette before Benward approached the table. Benwards would talk to the dealer as a distraction tactic. Once the ball landed, Derohon would inform Benwer of the result. The latter would place a wager before the game's dealer could see that the wheel stopped spinning. On each of these three times, the couple won $3,500.

Both parties were present at the table each time they tried to pull off the scam. Benward dropped off his partner at casino entrance and parked separately. He is also facing related charges for driving to the casino with a suspended driving license.