Chicago Gambling Ring Leader Gets 18 Months in Prison

Author: Live Casino Direct
Chicago Gambling Ring Leader Gets 18 Months in Prison
Wild Casino

Vincent DelGiudice was the leader of an illegal sports betting operation in Chicago, Illinois. He was sentenced to 18 months in prison and ordered to pay a $3.5 million money judgment.

DelGiudice led a gambling ring in Chicago between 2016 and 2019. The ring made millions of dollars. It was raided in April 2019 and found more than $1m in cash and jewelry. DelGiuice will be sentenced in February 2021.

The illegal gambling operation made use of a Costa Rica-based online sportsbook. The organizers paid a $10,000 weekly service fee. DelGiudice employed agents to attract new gamblers and collect debts. One of the highest-profile alleged agents was Casey Urlacher, the brother of legendary Chicago Bears linebacker Brian Urracher. Casey is the mayor of Chicago suburb. He received a pardon from former US President Donald Trump before his departure from the White House in January 2021. Urraacher and eight other people received gambling conspiracy charges in February 2020.