Secret Gambling Hall Door Code

Gosu Noob
Secret Gambling Hall Door Code
Super Slots

gambling is just one of the many different things you can do in Lost Judgment, but in order to open the Gambling Hall Door, you will need to find out its code. You will first hear of this location in Fukutoku Park. Here, two people will talk about a gambling den, and that you need to input the right code before you can enter there. However, since they are worried that somebody might be eavesdropping on their conversation (and with good reason), they won’t outright tell you this code. Instead, they will give you a couple of hints, and let you solve this puzzle for yourselves. If you want to open this door and get inside as soon as possible, our Secret Gambling Hall Door Code – Lost Judgement guide will tell you the correct code.

Lost Judgement Secret Gambling Hall Door Password

To find out where the Gambling Hall is located, first head to Fukutoku Park. Here, you will see two men talking and alluding to this place. One of them has never been there, and asks the other one for the door code. He doesn’t want to outright give it to him, and will instead present him with a couple of hints. He’ll say “Press 2 to the left, 2 up, 1 to the right, then down 3 times. Got that?” and he will add that “Then I’ll give you one last hint. The last number is 0.”

The Gambling Hall itself is at the northeastern edge of town. Following this conversation, it should be marked on your map. Go there. The door is locked, so examine the keypad. Going by everything that the man in the park said, you can figure out that the Secret Gambling Hall Door Code is: 7120. Inside, you will be able to play two gambling games – Koi-koi and Oicho-kabu.