Gambling Gone Wrong: Clip Shows Man Smashing Slot Machine With a Chair

Super Slots

Gambling isn't for everyone and a recent video clip shared online shows why this is the truth. In the video that was posted to Twitter by @DanielMarven, a man can be seen flying into quite a rage while gambling.

Angry man starts throwing chairs at slot machines

In the video, the man becomes so angry that he grabs the closest chair and starts hitting the slot machines around him with as much force as possible while those around him look on in shock.

"Whole salary gone," the video was captioned.

Many people found the video quite entertaining and had this to say:

@Masenkeng said:

"Winners know when to stop."

@AlsonManyama said:

"Gambling doesn't care if you are from a poor family"

@KdotMiyagi said:

"Gambling is the new Super Pandemic."

@Given_tee said:

"When they say last money never goes, then the opposite happens."

A short guy goes berserk in a bank branch

Briefly News also reported that an eyebrow-raising clip of a man throwing a big tantrum in a Capitec Bank has been making its way around social media much to the amusement and entertainment of South Africans who have found themselves with a lot to say.

In the clip, the angry man can be heard shouting that he wants to speak to the manager. Before long, he makes the rash decision to kick over one of the benches in the bank when another customer decides to intervene by tripping the man and causing him to fall on the floor.

""Can someone call the manager," the video was captioned by Advo Barry Roux.

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