Fast-fashion giant Shein hooks children with casino games

The Times
Wild Casino

A fast-fashion brand promoted to children on social media is using “dark patterns”, including casino-style games, to manipulate them into spending more.

Shein, a Chinese clothes company that is more popular than Boohoo and Asos, surged during the pandemic to become the world’s largest online-only fashion retailer, worth an estimated $15 billion.

Despite concerns about its environmental impact, labour conditions and data-harvesting practices, it has attained near cult-like status. Videos of shoppers using the hashtag #SheinHaul and opening orders worth hundreds of pounds have earned 3.7 billion views on TikTok.

But the ultra-cheap retailer, which charges as little as £1.99 for T-shirts and £4 for dresses, is using controversial tricks to hook shoppers, and is working with young influencers to promote products to children.