Early Adopters of Blockchain Technology

Author: Live Casino Direct
Early Adopters of Blockchain Technology
Wild Casino

The online gambling market is expected to be worth $158.20 billion in 2028. Many new operators are investing in the use of the blockchain technology to secure a good reputation for their sites. The first online casinos launched in late 1990s. Most casinos accept cryptocurrency without needing to build on the technology.

Online casinos used the technology to lock in bets during games and for processing payments. It has helped overcome suspicions of unfair or dubious practices.

Blockchain technology can confirm the randomness of the randomly generated random numbers used by online casinos. It is possible to check every dice roll or bet on the blockchain.

Blockchain technology provides anonymity for online casinos. Online casinos that are not built on the technology do not need to be aware of the gambler's activities.

Some online casinos take a long time to approve transactions. With cryptocurrencies, the long processing times do not apply.

Blockchain technology allows online casinos to be global. There are no geographical boundaries to players who want to gamble using cryptocurrency.