Can you have multiple save slots in Elden Ring?

Author: Live Casino Direct
Can you have multiple save slots in Elden Ring?
Wild Casino

Elden Ring is one of the hottest games on the market. It's an open-world game with a lot of content. FromSoftware does a great job in allowing the player to forge their own path and choose how they want to play the game. The differences between melee and at-range-based combat provide players with an all-around unique experience.

FromSoftware allows players to create new characters in Elden Ring. They can have up to 10 different characters at a time. This allows for a generous amount of customization and creativity in build-making. If players don't have a friend to trade items, they may have to play through and seek out specific items on their own.

There are multiple save slots in Elden Ring. If players have too many saves, they can delete them. They can follow the legend to help them with which buttons to press.