Arab Shriners talk bingo jackpot and Christmas tree safety

Arab Shriners talk bingo jackpot and Christmas tree safety
Wild Casino

TOPEKA, Kan. (WIBW) - Topeka Arab Shriners will host Bingo at the Arab Temple and give away a very large jackpot Friday night December 22.

The progressive jackpot must be given away and it’s $13,451. The games will be held at 1305 S. Kansas Avenue. Mini-bingo starts at 6:25pm. Regular bingo starts at 7:30pm.

The Arab Shriners also want to remind those with live Christmas trees to take safety precautions when it comes to caring for your tree in your home. The Shriner’s produce a special tree-tag with safety tips that are often handed out when lives trees are purchased across the Topeka area.