YouGov Discovers Marketshare Potential In Understanding Women’s Gambling Motives

Author: Live Casino Direct
YouGov Discovers Marketshare Potential In Understanding Women’s Gambling Motives
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YouGov has released the findings of its survey on British women's gambling habits. YouGov found that male and female real-money gamblers have different choices and reasons.

A plurality of 36 percent of male and female gamblers choose to gamble because it is a "fun thing to do". 1 in 5 male/female gambers may fantasise about winning. 7 percent women bet online to enhance the experience.

Only 1 percent of women bet online to "show skill" compared to 6 percent for men. 46 percent couldn't think of a reason for betting online. 19 percent had not gambled in the previous 12 months.

45% of British women believe internet gambling should not be allowed, compared to 39% men. Women are less inclined to discuss gambling with friends and family than men, 20% vs. 12%. YouGov concluded that its online gambling research was placed against a “considerable online divide” and that a third of men had gambled online in the previous 12-months.