What is "Casino Architecture"?

Fine Magazine
What is "Casino Architecture"?
Wild Casino

Do you ever get the feeling that all supermarkets are alike? If you do, know it's not a coincidence - it's by design. The same is true for many functional buildings, from offices to showrooms. And it's most certainly true for casinos.

Many casinos worldwide are built based on "casino architecture." In this article, we'll look at what it is, who invented it, and what it looks like.

What is "Casino Architecture"?

"Casino Architecture" refers to the design and layout of buildings dedicated to gambling. It summarizes the elements and design choices that are made with the purpose of convincing players to play more. It involves planning everything from the lights and décor to design elements to make the players lose their sense of time - and sometimes their sense of direction - to make them stay longer and spend more on the gaming machines.

Who invented "Casino Architecture"?

Many inventors created this concept. It evolved with influences from various designers and interior design trends. Some of its elements can be traced back to the golden age of Las Vegas gambling, with casinos integrating with hotels and entertainment venues. 

What are the basics of casino design?

The design of a casino involves several elements and tricks to make it more alluring to players:

The entrance

In the age of mobile slots, offering players stepping inside a casino a unique experience is more important than ever. So, the assault on their senses starts right at the casino's doorstep. Large and decorated facades, doors, and symbols are placed at the establishment's entrance to welcome players.

The maze

The interior of a casino will often feel like a maze for first-time visitors. This design choice is made with a purpose: it encourages visitors to explore the establishment. This gives casinos a certain charm - and enhances visitor engagement, as it exposes potential players to more of the casino's games.

The lights

Lighting in casinos is another tool used with a purpose. The designers use soft, warm light to highlight the lobby, restaurants, and lounges, which gives visitors a more relaxed mood. In other areas, brighter lights, often with a bluish tint, evoke feelings of beauty and class. Designers often mix these two types of lights to set the right mood for the visitors.

The sounds

Did you notice that most of the gaming machines at a casino sound alike? That's also by design - most games play the "C" sound, universally perceived as pleasant and playing significant tones. 

The scents

Even the smell of the air at a casino is carefully crafted. If a slot machine emanates a pleasant but undefinable mix of floral scents that puts players in a good mood, it will determine players to spend up to 50% more than usual.

Whenever you step into a casino, remember that you enter an environment carefully crafted to make you feel relaxed - and generous. Make sure you have fun playing, and do it responsibly!