theLotter Launches Dedicated theLotter Minnesota Website

Author: Live Casino Direct
theLotter Launches Dedicated theLotter Minnesota Website
Wild Casino

theLotter launched its dedicated theLottery Minnesota website today.

theLotter Minnesota website is now live. It allows online lottery players to play Minnesota Lottery top draw games and participate in other lotteries. TheLotters US Managing Director hails the launch as a "great milestone" for the company.

“I am truly excited about the potential for growth in Minnesota and the additional funds we will help provide for local wildlife protection, education, public safety and other causes.”

TheLotter Minnesota offers a host of functionalities not available in-store. The most important option is the opportunity to see a scan of the actual paper ticket a player has purchased. Wins of up to $600 are transferred directly to a client’s account.

"It's that level of transparency and security that has inspired the trust customers have in us," says the CEO.