The best devices for your online gambling experience

Mighty Gadget
The best devices for your online gambling experience
Wild Casino

Online gambling has witnessed a surge in popularity over the last decade and one of the main reasons for this is that there has been a considerable improvement in mobile technology, which has made it a lot easier and more convenient for players to take part in online gambling.

Originally, it was only really via a desktop computer or a laptop that was deemed the most practical solution to visit online casinos, though with the significant step forward in smartphone technology, this resulted in a huge spike in online gambling participation. 

The main reason for this was because players all of a sudden found that it was a lot more convenient to take part in online gambling, due to the ease with which that they could do so. Effectively, it meant that they could play from the comfort of their own surroundings via a strong WiFi connection and not have to worry about opening up a laptop, logging on, and then connecting to the internet. 

Because of this, online casinos and, indeed software providers in the casino industry took principally, a ‘mobile first’ approach to their strategy. What this meant is that they had realised the trends and noticed that more players were using a mobile device.

As a result, they focused on creating the best mobile optimised sites and also games for a player’s online gambling experience. In addition to this, top comparison sites also started to follow this approach as well. Let’s take a look at some of the best devices that you can use and why!

Samsung Galaxy S20

One of the most reliable smartphones and relatively affordable, one of the best features of this is the size of the screen, which is a particularly important requirement for an online gambling enthusiast. This is especially the case for more specialist gambling products such as jackpot slots, where there is more of a focus on graphics and for which the player needs to concentrate more. 

Boasting great functionality, this means that for the majority of casino sites, they are particularly easy to navigate, while the ease of access to the app store makes it simple and quick to download an online casino app.

iPhone 11

This device really has stood the test of time and is can certainly be regarded as the best in terms of value and user experience. Graphically and functionally excellent, which is a very important element for online gambling, the iPhone 11 really delivers a quality online gambling experience to the player and is still very well regarded. The vast majority of casino sites also have a native iOS app as well, so downloading these efficiently from the app store is a relatively painless process.

Huawei P30 Lite

A genuine bargain when it comes to a smartphone device, this holds up well for an online gambling experience. Boasting a generous size screen, each slot game is presented especially aesthetically on the Huawei which is built using some of the most well-respected technology in the smartphone industry. For a great, overall online gambling experience, this device should be well worth considering, while it is very easy to download casino apps via the Android store. 

iPad Mini

Having been released in 2019, the iPad Mini still holds its own and is essentially a slightly bigger version of an iPhone. Boasting all of the similar technology, one of the most important characteristics is the screen size. You are still able to take it with you without worrying about it being too big and for online gambling, the graphics and usability are highly impressive. 

Lenovo Tab 11 Pro

In addition to being affordable, the Lenovo packs a punch in terms of functionality and graphical capability, which means that slots, in particular, have a high resolution, which has proved to be an important requirement for online gambling enthusiasts. While for a tablet, in terms of online gambling, the screen size isn’t the biggest on the market, this is still good and for overall experience, this is especially great.

Samsung Galaxy Tab 7 S Plus

For the brand name, in addition to the quality of the technology, this device is surprisingly affordable and offers a highly desirable online gambling experience. In addition to having a generous size screen, the navigation is especially easy and as a result, this makes it the perfect talisman for your online gambling experience. Jackpot slots, especially are great for playing on this, because they are clearly presented and easy to navigate. 


Overall, there are many great quality devices out there to enhance your online gambling experience, however, deciding whether to choose a tablet or a smartphone is perhaps the most difficult decision. The benefit of playing via a tablet is that it frees up your smartphone device in case you have a call incoming, which means that your gameplay isn’t interrupted. However, if you do play via a smartphone, you can make the most of the Paybyphone payment method, where you can make a deposit during your gameplay very quickly and this is then added onto your monthly phone bill.