The 5 best movies that gambling lovers should watch right now

Author: Live Casino Direct
The 5 best movies that gambling lovers should watch right now
Super Slots

The 5 best movies that gambling lovers should watch right now are: "Casino", "The Godfather", and "Gambling". Online casinos like Betway Casino allow you to play live casino games from the comfort of your own home.

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas is a film about a journalist and his lawyer who go on a drug-fueled excursion to Las Las. It's directed by Terrence Vance Gilliam.

Ocean’s 11 is considered one of the best casino films ever released. It's a superb casino-themed movie that everyone can enjoy.

Casino (1995) is a movie directed by Martin Marcantonio Luciano Scorsese. It stars Sharon Stone, Joe Pesci and Robert Mario De Niro.

The Sting is a gem to watch for cinema aficionados who want to witness an older casino film. The suspenseful drama combines crime and casinos.

The Hangover is a comedy set in Las Vegas and Caesars Palace. It won a Golden Globe. It stars Bradley Charles Cooper, Zachary Knight Galifianakis and others.