The Fan Carpet
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If you’ve ever played in one of the most popular online casinos with no deposit bonus in 2022, you might have witnessed a prank on a live dealer by one of the players. Or if you’re familiar with trends in the casino world, you might have heard about players playing pranks on live dealers. In casino games, live dealers usually have players on the edge of their seats given the possible loss of money put in a bet. However, on some occasions, players have flipped this convention.

Recently, online casino games have become the desired mode for most players. This is largely due to the comfort it provides to players. They do not have to go long distances to their preferred casino company. Games like roulette, poker and blackjack can be played on a laptop or smartphone. With a minimum deposit of $1, a player can compete and go on to win as much as they can. The advent of online casino games also brought about live dealers.

What Do Live Dealers Do?

Online live dealers arrange for players to play on a live table. They organise the game to seem very much like an actual casino game. In fact, the only difference is that the player is not in a physical casino. The game will also be anchored by a real dealer. Below are some of the casino games that can be played online with real players and a live dealer:

  • Roulette
  • Poker
  • Baccarat
  • Lottery
  • Blackjack
  • Wheel games
  • Dice games

The exact role of live dealers is that they act like the host playing from within a casino. The live dealer usually has a live camera placed before him. He, then, proceeds to distribute the cards and engage the players that joined the online casino. In practice, the dealer must be properly dressed in a certain uniform. Aside from that, the live dealer must maintain professional conduct and must be able to make the players comfortable.

How Do Live Dealer Pranks Work?

Though live dealers are obliged to maintain a standard of protocol, this does not completely negate pranks. It is the duty of live dealers to be friendly to players and smile as they distribute cards or spin the wheel. Their duty also includes being supportive to unlucky players and keeping the game mood light. In short, they ensure that all the players are enjoying the game as best as they can.

Live dealers are not prohibited from laughing or passing comments when a player makes a joke. However, the joke or comments must be within what is allowed in professional conduct. They will refrain from using vulgar words. The joke, if inappropriate, may elicit a smile but not more.

However, dealers do not fit into the class of people who are hopelessly boring. Some of them crack jokes too. In most cases, live dealers are young and good looking. They have a flair for gambling and may be willing to exchange safe puns or anecdotes. And in some cases, they share funny stories with their plays to lighten the mood. Their work protocol does not prevent them from being silly or making weird faces. In any case, the mark of a good live dealer is to be able to maintain an amiable gaming atmosphere for the players.

Live Casino Pranks

One of the live casino pranks that went viral was about a player named Peter Ness. He entered an online blackjack game with the username P. Ness. As a result, the dealers had to address him accordingly. As you may have noticed, the pronunciation sounds similar to a word improper in formal engagements. The video generated 400,000 views within a short time after posting. Another popular prank happened when a player with the nickname, “Suk Mike Hok” entered the game. Unfailingly, this prank hit the mark and generated laughs from the players and dealers.

Below are some of the ways players amuse other players and the dealer:

Using a Funny Username

As stated above, live dealers are obligated to keep the gaming session professional even as they carry out their role. They are prohibited by formal protocol from saying any vulgar or improper words in front of the players. However, they have to announce the name of any player joining the game as a form of welcome and they do it loudly too. This is the usual opening for players to prank live dealers.

Most of them do not even realise that they’ve been pranked into violating their own professional conduct rules. The result is usually hilarious and satisfying for the prankster. So if you intend to prank a live dealer, come up with a funny name. Then, sit back and watch the reaction. It is advisable to not be excessive by using a vulgar nickname that may be totally misunderstood or inappropriate in a social setting.

Live Chat

Aside from using funny usernames, online casinos allow you to chat with fellow players and dealers during the gaming session. Most of them are chatty and they do all they can to maintain a good gaming mood for as long as the game continues. Though not proven, they are also well-read and vast in knowledge. So a good way to evoke a good laugh is by sharing a joke or a personal story. Doing this will add more spice to the game and everyone would have a good laugh that eases the tension at the table.

Some players also use silly pick up lines or a harmless exchange of banter layered with metaphors. A war of words with a fellow player is not out of place as long as you can hold your ground without being sullied.

Observe Other Players

If you intend to have a nice game where jokes and banters flow freely, you should have in mind that some players are a bit uptight. They will most likely not be receptive to your jokes or funny stories. If you are among these companies of players, you will not enjoy the game. So what do you do? Before joining the game, ask questions. Ask friends or browse through online messages until you find the table that offers good game sessions where the players enjoy a good laugh together.


Though casino games come with the risk of losing money, you can earn some too. Either way, you can find ways to amuse yourself and other players during the game. Grim players are not automatically better than the funny ones. So feel free to prank and make jokes within socially acceptable parameters.