Online Casino: 5 beginner tips for winning at online blackjack

Sportsbook Wire
Online Casino: 5 beginner tips for winning at online blackjack
Wild Casino

With sports canceled for now, online casino games could become even more popular. But for new players, this could seem daunting as online casino games can differ from what you typically see from your favorite local casino.

Today, we are handing out five of our favorite tips and tricks on how to win more often when playing online blackjack.

1. Find the right online casino for you 

The most critical step when you decide to play online blackjack is to find the right online casino. Some casinos will offer you different odds on blackjacks, while others will offer more bonuses. Some casinos will have countdown timers for you to play your hand while others will allow as much time as possible.

Make sure to find the casino that fits your needs, and be sure to check out all of the options and games at

2. Know how many decks of cards are being used 

It’s crucial to find out how many decks of cards each casino uses as it’s easier to keep track of which cards have been played with fewer decks.

Some online sites will use a Random Number Generator, which will shuffle the cards after each hand, which makes following the cards being played impossible. You can’t “count cards” online, but there are ways to help increase your odds if you can remember which cards have already been played.

Play online casino games, including blackjack, roulette and slots at BetMGM.

3. Use a strategy card 

One of the best tips we can offer you is that you use and follow a basic strategy card for playing blackjack. These cards will help you understand when to hit and when to stay, depending on what the dealer is holding.

Make sure to find the strategy that best suits you as some card sheets are more aggressive than others. As you play more blackjack online, a cheatsheet won’t be needed as much as the probabilities will be ingrained into your mind. But as for now, keep one of these handy as you learn the game.

4. Know your insurance strategy 

During blackjack, the “house” will offer you insurance when the dealer is showing an “Ace.” Players can bet half of their original wager to protect themselves against a blackjack. Before playing online blackjack, consider making an insurance strategy, whether you always want to take or leave the insurance.

The same can be said for splitting hands. Some players will split their hands more frequently, while others will never split and will settle for one guaranteed win. Before playing online, make sure to come up with your strategy on how and when you intend to take insurance and/or split your hand.

5. Practice

Before you decide to play online for real cash, consider practicing several hands so you can get used to the speed and practice with your strategy card. That way, there will be no surprises when you get to a live table. Many sites, including USA TODAY’s gaming section, allow you to practice for free before betting online, so take advantage of that offer until you are ready for live betting.

Ready to give online blackjack a try? Head over to BetMGM to sign up and play.