Michelle Dunphy: We need to invest more in online learning

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Dear Editor: We need to focus on investing more in our online learning and daycare support to help the students who are struggling rather than going back to in person when our case numbers are way too high to be safe and when we'll certainly face closures repeatedly. Let's keep it consistent for both our educators and our students so they aren't in and out of the classroom. Instead, let's focus on providing more support for the students and teachers to make this year the best we possibly can.

Our educators cannot possibly provide for both online and in person without a detrimental effect to their mental health. Plus, little kids going back, wearing masks, having to be distanced from friends when their friends are present — how is that good for these kids? Not to mention that many of the kids who are struggling also have families that cannot afford to get COVID-19. None of this is ideal, but remember, we’re surviving a pandemic. We aren't going to have a normal again for awhile. Let's make this new virtual normal the best we can and not play roulette with the lives of our staff, educators, as well as children and their families.