LECOM Hosts Casino Night Fundraiser

LECOM Hosts Casino Night Fundraiser
Super Slots

ELMIRA, N.Y. (WENY) -- Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine hosted a casino Night fundraiser in Elmira, this evening. The event aimed to support medical students in need of scholarships.

Attendees of the event enjoyed cocktails, dinner, casino games, a silent raffle, and live music. Associate Dean Dr. Richard Terry says money raised will go towards the LECOM student scholarship fund. The fund helps offset a small amount of the cost associated with students attending LECOM's medical school.

“This community is incredible...they have been incredibly supportive,” he said. “The donations, the sponsorships, and attendance at the event...and really just in a broad sense...so welcoming to LECOM...we're so grateful to be here.”

Dr. Terry said he hopes the event will raise at least $200,000 for the scholarship fund.