Indiana Online Casino: State Takes Step Towards iGaming Market Launch

Author: Live Casino Direct
Indiana Online Casino: State Takes Step Towards iGaming Market Launch
Super Slots

Indiana lawmakers are drafting an early version of the state's new online gambling bill.

Indiana is taking steps towards iGaming market launch.

Indiana legislators draft a bill regarding online casinos and racinos. Hoosier Lottery would be allowed to offer online versions of its current games.

Indiana plans to impose an 18% tax on online casino revenue. 3.33% of the revenue would be allocated to Addiction Services.

Possible Online Casino Launch in September 2023. Since September 2019, Indiana has permitted sports wagering online. Hoosier gamblers are familiar with the process.

The current bill will begin its legislative journey in January 2023. If passed, online casino gambling could go live in Indiana as early as September 1, less than a year from now. In the meantime, the Indiana Gambling Commission has just released information regarding the performance of its sports betting vertical. Indiana residents have wagered over $10 billion on sports.