How to Play Boozy Bingo
Super Slots

How to Play Boozy Bingo: A Fun Twist on a Classic Game

Bingo has always been a popular game to play with friends and family, but have you ever thought about adding a boozy twist to it? Boozy Bingo is a fun and exciting version of the classic game that combines the thrill of winning with the enjoyment of your favorite adult beverages. Whether you’re hosting a party or looking to spice up a night in, Boozy Bingo is sure to be a hit. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to play, along with some frequently asked questions to help you get started.

Step 1: Gather Your Supplies

To play Boozy Bingo, you’ll need a few essential supplies. First, you’ll need a set of bingo cards. You can either purchase them online or create your own by printing out bingo templates and filling in the numbers. Next, you’ll need markers to cover the called numbers on the cards. You can use anything from coins to small shot glasses for this purpose. Finally, make sure you have a variety of drinks available to enjoy throughout the game.

Step 2: Set the Rules

Before you start playing, it’s important to establish the rules of the game. Decide on the winning patterns, such as a straight line, diagonal line, or blackout. You can also add in additional rules such as taking a sip every time a number is called or having a designated shot for a specific winning pattern. Be creative and tailor the rules to your liking, but remember to drink responsibly.

Step 3: Start Calling Numbers

Assign someone as the designated number caller. This person will randomly select numbers and call them out to the players. You can use a traditional bingo cage with numbered balls or opt for a digital number generator. As each number is called, players will mark it on their bingo cards. The first person to complete the winning pattern should shout “Bingo!” and be rewarded accordingly.

Step 4: Keep the Game Going

Once a winner has been declared, you can either start a new round or continue playing until multiple winners are achieved. To keep the game exciting, consider adding in bonus rounds or special incentives for players. For example, you can introduce rounds where players must take a shot if they don’t have the called number on their card. This adds an extra level of fun and unpredictability to the game.


1. Can I play Boozy Bingo with non-alcoholic drinks?
Absolutely! Boozy Bingo can be enjoyed with any type of drink, including non-alcoholic options for those who prefer not to consume alcohol.

2. Is there an age limit for playing Boozy Bingo?
As with any drinking game, it’s important to follow legal drinking age restrictions in your area. If you’re hosting a Boozy Bingo night, ensure all participants are of legal drinking age.

3. Can I create my own bingo cards?
Yes, you can easily create your own bingo cards using templates available online. This allows you to personalize the game and add your own unique touch.

4. Can I play Boozy Bingo online?
Yes, there are various online platforms that offer virtual bingo games, including Boozy Bingo. These platforms allow you to play with friends remotely and enjoy the game from the comfort of your own homes.

5. What types of drinks should I have for Boozy Bingo?
You can have a variety of drinks available, such as beer, wine, cocktails, or even non-alcoholic beverages. It’s important to cater to the preferences of your players and ensure there are options for everyone.

6. Can I play Boozy Bingo with large groups?
Yes, Boozy Bingo is a great game for large groups. You can have multiple bingo cards in play at once and adjust the rules accordingly to accommodate more players.

7. What happens if multiple people shout “Bingo” at the same time?
If multiple people shout “Bingo” at the same time, you can either declare it a tie and reward all winners, or continue playing until a single winner emerges.

8. How can I make Boozy Bingo more challenging?
To make the game more challenging, you can introduce additional rules such as requiring players to finish their drinks before shouting “Bingo” or implementing time limits for marking called numbers.

9. Can I create themed versions of Boozy Bingo?
Absolutely! You can customize Boozy Bingo to fit any theme or occasion. From holiday-themed bingo cards to specific drink preferences, the possibilities are endless.

Boozy Bingo is a fantastic way to bring friends together for a night of fun and laughter. By following these steps and incorporating your own creative ideas, you can create a memorable gaming experience. Just remember to enjoy responsibly and drink in moderation. Cheers to a great game of Boozy Bingo!