GTA Online Redditor drives along the casino walls

GTA Online Redditor drives along the casino walls
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GTA Online fans know that they can always find entertaining video clips from the game on Reddit. There are plenty of videos to choose from, from hilarious griefer fails to incredible stunts.

Some of the best stunts seen on the r/gtaonline subreddit are usually made with BMXs, motorbikes or vehicles with extra abilities like the Scramjet or Toreador. This article will discuss how a GTA Online player pulled off a fantastic casino wall stunt ride and more in the video clip.

The video above was uploaded to Reddit by u/TheRealMurda10k and has received over 1.7k upvotes and dozens of comments.

The clip sees the original poster in his Scramjet, pulling off a spectacular wallride on the curved front of the Diamond Casino & Resort building. As if this was not enough, the gamer proceeded to boost onwards and accidentally pulled off two more crazy stunts.

After flawlessly executing the casino wallride, the player boosted in mid-air and shot himself across the highway and through a small square hole of a couple of telegraph poles.

The accidental threading of the needle with his car was absolutely unplanned and unbelievably impressive. The video clip ended when the player somehow landed on top of an antenna another mile away at the opera house after a third boost. The triple-stunt run was nothing short of incredible, and the commenters let the original poster know about it.

The clip was so entertaining that one commenter said he had watched it at least ten times, and he would not have been the only one. The original poster joined the commenters to thank them for their support. One GTA Online fan asked which vehicles were the best for stunt jumps and the like.

There was a friendly discussion about how the Toreador is also great for stunts like this, with one commenter saying he preferred it to the Oppressor MKII. Others agreed, and one Redditor explained that Scramjet is still the best option as it is easier to control mid-air.