Bonuses for online betting

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Regardless if you are a regular punter or just wanting to check online betting out, a betting bonus can help you out immensely and give you a great start. There are many different types of bonuses, with a range of rewards, rules and conditions. Some are great for first-timers, while others may be more suitable for high rollers and professionals. There are a lot of things you need to take into consideration, and in this guide we are going to take a look at some of the more important things.

Common bonuses for betting

There are many different types of betting bonuses, and all of them might not be suitable for you. Make sure that you take your time to compare different bonuses, either by viewing a comparison website such as Swedish, or by checking some gambling companies out for yourself. Now, let’s have a look at some of the more common betting bonuses you will encounter:

  • The deposit bonus:The good old classic deposit bonus is one of the most common bonuses. With a fixed minimum deposit, perhaps €/$/£15, you will get a fixed bonus, usually around 35-50 €/$/£. Since the bonus amount doesn’t scale with your deposit, this is a great choice for players with limited budgets. 
  • Matched deposit bonuses:For the big spenders, the matched deposit is the way to go. The larger your deposit, the larger the bonus, and the limit can be as high as several hundreds, sometimes even thousands. 
  • Free bets:Free bets let you place a bet with the gambling company’s money. If you win, the winnings are yours to keep. If you lost, it was the betting company’s money anyway.
  • Risk-free bets:The risk-free bets work exactly the same way as free bets, only with the risk-free version you will wager your own money, and get it refunded if your bet loses.
  • Cashback:Cashback gives players a percentage of their lost wagers back at the end of a set time. This bonus is great for players who bet often. 
  • Profit boosters:A profit booster can be used to improve the odds of a selected match you wish to bet on. This can make a somewhat boring match more interesting.

Casino and live casino bonuses

Many- if not most sportsbooks double as online casinos (Read more about combined sportsbooks and casinos at For this reason you can often opt for a casino bonus or live casino bonus instead of a betting bonus. You can usually only select one, so it might be advantageous to keep a separate account for casino gaming on another website. Both bonuses for casino and live casino usually consist of bonus funds. But casino bonuses can also include free spins for popular slot machines. The main difference between casino and live casino bonuses is that the former is used for games played against the computer; such as slot machines and video poker, while the live casino bonus is used to live games such as roulette and blackjack. 

Wagering requirements

One important thing to keep in mind when you select a bonus is the wagering requirements. Most bonuses come with terms and conditions, and the wagering requirements are the most important ones. These requirements state how many times you need to wager your bonus amount before you can withdraw the money you have won. For betting bonuses, 8x is usually the highest, and you should never go for a bonus with more. In most cases, you can check out your progression towards the wagering requirement on your sportsbook account profile.