Apple Require Gambling Companies to Recreate their Apps

Author: Live Casino Direct
Apple Require Gambling Companies to Recreate their Apps
Wild Casino

Apple Require Gambling Companies to Recreate their Apps. Google announced it would make gambling apps available to American users. Apple followed suit and gave best Arab casino publishers until September 3 to recreate their apps on the IOS system. The App Store will not allow apps that provide access to real money games or lotto.

Apple extended the deadline for gaming companies to recreate their apps. The deadline has been extended to December of this year. The guidelines apply to all apps currently in the App Store and new apps that may be published by the end of the current year, if they are not compatible with Apple’s new policy.

Apple Require Gambling Companies to Recreate their Apps. Most gamers are turning to their mobile devices more than ever. 90% of American gamblers will switch to using their smartphones within the next 10 years.

Apple wants to keep its tech in a walled garden. Apple claims that the IOS system will enhance reliability and security. Developers believe that HTML5 is the best and easiest encoding system at the moment. It can be used across multiple platforms with high efficiency. However, writing a single game in new programming language is expensive and takes a lot of time.

Playing games on the iPhone is more convenient than using apps. Apple Require Gambling Companies to Recreate their Apps.