Activision buys 11.6% stake in mobile casino game developer

Tweak Town
Activision buys 11.6% stake in mobile casino game developer
Wild Casino

Activision-Blizzard has acquired a 11.6% stake in Play Studios shortly before the company went public.

Games titan Activision-Blizzard has purchased 12,677,398 shares of Play Studios, a game developer mostly known for casino-based F2P social smartphone titles. The acquisition was made after Play Studios merged with the SPAC Acies Acquisition Corp. in order to start publicly trading on NASDAQ. Activision-Blizzard's share buyout represents a 11.6% portion of Play Studios.

Neither Activision nor Play Studios have publicly announced the share purchases on their press release pages, and the deal was found via SEC filings. Play Studios currently has over 4 million monthly active users and its share value sits at $7.84 per share with 106 million shares outstanding.

PLAYSTUDIOS launched in 2011, and it continues to grow its portfolio of globally celebrated apps - myVEGAS Slots, my KONAMI Slots, myVEGAS Blackjack, POP! Slots, and the just-released myVEGAS Bingo. Gameplay is enhanced by the groundbreaking playAWARDS platform, in which players are able to exchange loyalty points for real-world rewards from more than 290 brands.