A look at the top online casinos in Japan

Super Slots

Japan offers more potential for the gambling industry than almost all other countries in the world – a surprise, considering that until recently, gambling was supposed to be illegal there. The Japanese people have long been taking advantage of online casinos; since these games are hosted off-shore, people can legally gamble without so much as stepping outside their doors. This may come as a shock, but it has in part led to the implementation of the new IR bill: a law that allows for the introduction of on-ground resorts.

The popularity of online casinos among the Japanese people showcases the obvious advantages of legal gambling and a clear-cut path to a brighter economic future. Japan’s online casino market is already saturated with rich high-rollers – players who make bets of thousands of dollars at a time. It’s no wonder that the gambling industry has marked Japan for its next big hive.

Best (Online) Casino Options in Japan

Due to the nature of online gambling, having its existence on the internet, there are many untrustworthy links out there. If you’re new to the scene and you’re not quite sure who to believe, sorting through the mess of numbers and the promises of amazing value can be a nightmare. Fortunately, we’ve had some help from the experts 6takarakuji to help navigate and look into some of the online casinos available to the Japanese people. Of course, if you want to find out more about reputable online casinos in Japan they cover it in more depth in their article here.

Casino X

Casino X, a European casino brought to Japan in 2016, is a fan-favorite among the Japanese people.
Upon registering as a user, Casino X will immediately deposit a free $30 in your account. With this money, you can make thirty bets before your first withdrawal; then, you’ll find out that you also get a bonus for your first five withdrawals, which is especially good compared to other online casinos. The monetary advantages of this platform are such that one could play quite comfortably without the risk of losing their money.

But it isn’t simply the bonuses, as generous as they are, which put Casino X above the rest. In Japan specifically, one of the reasons why it is so popular is because it offers many games by Japanese industries. Japanese people are statistically very loyal to their own countries’ games, and Casino X shows much more appreciation of this than other online casinos.

Casino Secret

Casino Secret is another popular option among the Japanese people, it was established recently enough in 2018, and yet boasts a collection of over 2000 games.

On top of being well-established and trustworthy, which is an important factor when money is involved, Casino Secret offers unique bonuses that many find superior to other casinos. Though it may not seem as lucrative as the registration gift at Casino X, this platform offers 50% cashback if you lose your first bet and similar options for claiming money back after your second deposit. This severely cuts away from the risk many associates with gambling in general, allowing for a much more comfortable place to enjoy the games. While the free gift at Casino X may seem more enticing, you can’t beat the additional security which these bonuses afford the customer.

Casino Secret also has a top-tier customer support system, both in general and for the Japanese people specifically. It boasts employees who have spent many years working in the Japanese casino industry, and are capable of handling any problem customers may encounter.

Other Available Options

There are more casinos available, but the above two are the most popular among them, both for their strong reputations and generous bonuses. Similar options for Japanese gamblers include Joy Casino, which operates similarly to Casino X with a $30 entrance bonus, and Casino Trip – one of the few options which runs a lottery for its users.

The online casino industry is a dark room filled with sharp objects; we were happy to shine a light on some safe spaces, in which you can enjoy the thrill of a gamble without the risk of being scammed.

The IR Bill and Online Gambling

With the introduction of real-life resorts and the novelty of that Vegas feeling, it will be worth watching whether the online casino industry rises or falls. The case may be made that because Japan is officially opening its doors to the blood-sport rush of gambling, the online side will also see some of the projected boosts. It may also be said that the dazzle of the lights, the ching of the slot machines, and the velvety richness of a casino-atmosphere will prove too much to be avoided.

In any case, for the moment Japan can turn to the online industry for the thrill of a win; the sites explored are all very reputable and operate in high-standing, putting the customer’s enjoyment and security above all else. For anyone interested in a genuine casino experience, among the unrest and perhaps the boredom of a global lockdown, they are well worth a visit.