21+3 Blackjack Side Bets: Guide to playing 21+3 Blackjack

Enfield Independent
21+3 Blackjack Side Bets: Guide to playing 21+3 Blackjack
Super Slots

Most casino sites offer side bets on blackjack tables, allowing players to bet on outcomes unrelated to their main hand. 

To participate, a regular blackjack bet is usually required, with side bet sizes typically smaller and tied to the main bet. 

The 21+3 blackjack side bet emerged around the Millennium, gaining popularity alongside other side bets like Perfect Pair and Super 7s.

What is 21+3 in Blackjack?

21+3 is a popular blackjack side bet that adds a poker-themed layer of excitement to the game. 

Players make an extra bet to create a three-card poker hand using their initial blackjack cards and the dealer's up-card. Winning hands, regardless of the main blackjack bet, include:

  • Flush: three cards all of the same suit
  • Straight: three cards of consecutive value
  • Three-of-a-kind: Three cards of the same value
  • Straight Flush: Three cards of consecutive value, all of the same suit
  • Suited Three-of-a-kind: Three suited cards of the same value

How Much Can You Win?

It initially was a very straightforward proposition, with a typical payout of 9-1 if the player makes any of the three card poker hands listed, although this could vary depending on the casino.

However, the development of online gaming led to experimentation and the game evolved into a version with differing payouts for the different possible outcomes. 

Each provider sets slightly different odds, but the typical payouts for each possible outcome are:

  • Flush: 5/1 
  • Straight: 10/1 
  • Three-of-a-kind: 30/1 
  • Straight Flush: 40/1 
  • Suited Three-of-a-kind: 100/1

How Much is the House Edge?

Online versions of 21+3 blackjack typically have a house edge of at least 3.5 per cent, varying by operator. In live casinos, the original 9-1 payout version with equal odds has a variable house edge, with six or eight decks offering the most favourable odds to the player at around three per cent house edge or slightly less. 

However, with fewer than six decks, the odds swing more in favour of the house.

Is it Worth Playing?

While it may not be possible to beat these odds in the long run, if you hit one of the bigger payouts early on in your session, you stand a good chance of walking away with a decent profit. 

Some blackjack sites offer progressive jackpot prizes on specific valued Suited Three-of-a-Kind holdings and when the jackpot prize gets high enough, the odds of playing 21 + 3 might just tip in favour of the player, but it's still a long shot.

Side Bets Spice up Gaming Life

While blackjack is inherently enjoyable, its gameplay can become repetitive for some. 

Table games, in general, face competition from the captivating features of modern slot machines, including vibrant graphics and engaging sound effects. 

Although blackjack may not match the multimedia allure of slots sites, introducing side bets like 21+3 enhances gameplay, providing an extra element that many players appreciate.

Casinos and Players Love it so

Blackjack is a game that only has a 0.5 per cent house edge if players use the correct strategy. However, most players don’t play optimally, therefore the house usually retains a significantly higher percentage of the turnover. 

Offering side bets on blackjack games all but guarantees higher profit margins for the casino, hence their willingness to diversify the product range. 

When a player's desire for gamification coincides with increased profit, you can be sure that side bets are here to stay and are probably going to become more exciting, numerous and diverse over time.

Blackjack Luddites Rule Too

But not all players like side bets, as they slow down the length of time it takes to complete a hand. 

Most live casinos know this and the better ones will also offer no-side bet tables for blackjack purists, who usually prefer not to indulge in these betting propositions.


If you are not price sensitive, the blackjack 21+3 blackjack side bet is a great way to add excitement to the gameplay. 

As long as you enter the game in the knowledge that you probably won’t win, but might get lucky, it's certainly a fun way to enhance a blackjack session.

Jonathan has over 20 years experience working in the gambling industry, specialising in online poker management and live poker operations. He has created and managed several live poker tours, including the Grosvenor UK Poker Tour, the Eureka Poker Tour, Estrellas Poker Tour, UK & Ireland Poker Tour and the Patrik Antonius Poker Challenge.