Star Wars Casino Games

Author: Live Casino Direct
Star Wars Casino Games
Wild Casino

George Lucas introduced the public to a galaxy far, far away. Star Wars has spawned a number of follow-up films, television shows, cartoons and casino games. The third season of The Mandalorian is due in 2022 and Rogue Squadron will be the next Star War movie due to premiere in December 2023.

Sabacc is a high-stakes card game where each player aims for a hand ranking as close to 23 as possible. The best hands are not just 23 but also minus 23 and a full house.

Han stakes his own ship VCX-100 against Lando's YT-1300 in Sabacc. Landa wins, but Han is sure that he cheated in the game. Han and Chewbacca later see Lande playing Sabac with others and notice he has a card hidden up his sleeve.

Canto Casino is located at Canto Bight, a coastal city on the desert planet Cantonica. Finn and Rose are in one of Cante Bights casinos trying to escape a host of dreadful creatures. Other casinos in the Star Wars franchise are Balance Casino on Reaper’s World, Aerie Casino, on Naboo, and Club Vertica Casino.