Ontario Online Casino: Regulator gives the green light to Wazdan

Author: Live Casino Direct
Ontario Online Casino: Regulator gives the green light to Wazdan
Wild Casino

Wazdan has secured a license to launch its video slots and other igaming content in Ontario. The private sector was allowed to enter Canada’s igame and interactive sports betting industries back in April.

Wazdan has operations in 20 regulated markets across the globe, including the United States. The goods manufactured by the company will soon make their way into some of the most well-known local casino brands.

Ontario Online Casino is approved by the regulator. Wazdan accepts US dollars and accepts Bitcoin.

Company announces its entry into the newly regulated online gaming industry in the United Kingdom. Ontario is destined to become one of the most important markets in North America.

Wazdan has just introduced Hot Slot 777 Crown, which is one of its most popular games. The company has also established a relationship with Scientific Games to extend the number of countries in which its products are available.