Online Gambling is Deathtrap for India- WHAT??

Asiana Times
Wild Casino

As we all know India celebrated its 75th Independent day just two days earlier. In these 75 years, India grew in various sectors, and with that, some detested things get grown with Us. One of the death traps of India is – Gambling.Young minds play plays a major role in this country. They are the ones who got to lead the country But gambling is a deathtrap to National growth, Country improvement, and Individual development. Gambling has been constantly developing all over the world. One of the most noteworthy transformations in recent times is how women have increased their participation in online gambling.

In an earlier stage gambling was in person, so we were able to control it. But, Now it became online we can’t able to control it. Even children play gambling on mobile. In the initial stage players always win. After a certain time players become so addicted to winning that they start borrowing from others and ignore the threats involved with it. When they find themselves neck-deep in debt, they make the hard outcome of taking their lives.

History and Future of Gambling :

The British government first promoted gambling in India to gain tax revenues. Now, with present events, it seems like gambling has left an endless legacy. Almost every day the headlines of the news are suicide cases for gambling. In the age group of 20-35, both women and men were committing suicide from gambling. The murder cases also increased rapidly for this reason.

In Tamil Nadu, a 36-year-old bank employee murdered his two children and killed his wife due to increasing debts in online gambling. In Chennai, a 29-year-old woman committed suicide after she lost all her gold and her life’s savings in online rummy. In Kerala, 20 years old boy committed suicide when he lost 5 lakhs online rummy. Lot more cases and a lot more families got affected by online gambling.
Tamil Nadu confirmed nearly 20 deaths in the past three years. Yet not many have come forward despite the fact, that talented youngster falling into a death trap. This has been eerily similar for everyone who falls prey to it.