Gamblers accused of cheating in casino card game on Gold Coast win fight against Star

Author: Live Casino Direct
Gamblers accused of cheating in casino card game on Gold Coast win fight against Star
Super Slots

Mark Timothy Grant and Nathan Trent Anderson were banned from entering Star casinos in Brisbane and on the Gold Coast in March 2018. They applied for a review by the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal. The tribunal found the notices should be set aside.

Two gamblers were banned from Star casinos in Brisbane and on the Gold Coast. They applied for a review by the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal. The tribunal found the notices should be set aside.

Star alleged Mr Grant and Mr Anderson cheated in a card game at the Pontoon casino on the Gold Coast. QCAT ruled there were no grounds to exclude them from casinos on that area or in Brisbane. The card games that triggered the exclusion notice were played by MrGrant using hand gestures to indicate to MrAnderson which cards to play.

Gamblers accused of cheating in casino card game on Gold Coast win fight against Star. Mr Grant had previously been investigated by Star for his gameplay. He described himself as an advantage player. He denied "edge-sorting" and said it was impossible in Pontoon. The judgement said he is allowed to make assumptions about what card is coming next.

Gamblers accused of cheating in casino card game on Gold Coast win fight against Star. Playing card defects were found in 96 of the cards used during the game. The judgement said Star was aware of defects in the playing cards but continued to allow them to be used.

QCAT found Mr Grant guilty of cheating in Pontoon, a card game played at Star casino on the Gold Coast. The exclusion notices were revoked. The cards were in plain view of the dealer and subject to the casino's inspection regime.