Discerning the Personality of a Gambler

Author: Live Casino Direct
Discerning the Personality of a Gambler
Wild Casino

Gambling is a popular leisure activity for many people. The best online casino games are now available for comers and goers. For some people it's a hobby, for others it is the hallmark of the sense of purpose.

Gut-feel drifters rely on their inner feelings and inner voice. They believe that this is the only way to win and achieve good results. Experienced gamblers are quick to identify the type they are dealing with and start using it to their advantage.

Gamblers are thoughtful prudent players who spend a lot of time in calculations and analysis. Calculators are hard to play with as they have everything thought out meticulously. They are aware of the odds long distances pose on their ultimate win.

Bullies are expressive and assertive players prone to nervous breakdowns, hang-ups and neuroses. They believe that they know everything better than anyone. Once bullies start losing, they do not stop, hoping to recoup the money lost.

Randos are plain and cheerful people who relax and enjoy the game. Randos tend to look less excited than other players. They use a poker face to prove their superiority and meanwhile have some fun.

Hypers go to casinos and play online because they feel great during the process. Hypers are lonely, unhappy or heartbroken people who replace one emotion with another.

Profys are people with extensive experience in gambling and wins history. Profys can play for years enjoying sustainable income. They are calm and reasonable. They surprise others with their victories, but keep their secrets to themselves.