Tiverton still uncertain how casino money should be used

Newport Daily News
Tiverton still uncertain how casino money should be used
Wild Casino

TIVERTON — An attempt to form a committee to decide how gaming revenue should be spent failed to materialize because there were no volunteers. The Town Council this week had its first of three input sessions to get feedback, but just one person stepped up with an idea.

Jerome Larkin, chairman of the School Committee, said he was speaking as an individual, citizen and parent, but his request would benefit the schools.

He asked that gaming revenue from the Twin River-owned Tiverton Casino Hotel be used to “close the gap” of a structural deficit that could lead to more layoffs the next school year if it is not addressed. Larkin said using gaming revenue to close the gap would be “appropriate as a one-time maneuver.”

At the end of May, the casino revenue account had nearly $1 million in it, according to the town treasurer’s report.

Larkin added it’s “time to try to really make us whole from previous years,” when the school department’s appropriation from the town increased by just $1.

Last year, 24.2 full time-equivalent positions were cut to balance the budget.

A budget approved by the Budget Committee that will be on the financial town referendum ballot July 17 calls for a 4% increase in the school budget, but school officials say they need $1.4 million more than that.

A petitioner budget put forth by Deborah Pallasch and Diane Farnworth, both school committee members, that would have addressed the deficit, was rejected for placement on the FTR ballot by the Board of Canvassers last week, as was a proposed petitioner budget by resident Justin Katz.

Town Solicitor Michael Marcello said both did not qualify for the ballot. The Pallasch-Farnworth proposal exceeded the tax levy cap, and it would draw down the general fund reserve by more than an amount the last audit states is available.

The Katz proposal would also draw down the general fund reserve by more than the audited surplus amount and use gaming revenue that is not available for use because a town council ordinance restricts it until it is decided how it should be used.

Katz called the rejection “an outrage.” Pallasch said she was “aghast,” and accused Marcello of “changing the rules of the game” with his opinion of town charter guidelines for “qualified” budgets.

Marcello said he stood by the opinion.

A virtual hearing on the Budget Committee’s recommended fiscal 2022 budget is scheduled for Thursday at 7 p.m. The hearing can be viewed at Youtube.com/TivertonVideos.

Those wanting to ask a question during the meeting can call toll-free at 877-853-5247 and use meeting ID code 84980399633 and passcode of 930660. The same ID and passcode can be used for those who want to participate visually through zoom.us.

Regarding the casino gaming revenue, Councilwoman Deborah Janick said anyone with an idea about how the money should be used should “just put it out there” and if they don’t have access to the internet or email, she said: “Write an old-fashioned letter” and send it to the town clerk at Town Hall. 

The council will take more input on how to spend casino gaming revenue at a meeting in July.