the numbers that drive your favorite slot games

Author: Live Casino Direct
Wild Casino

The gameplay of slot games is quite different from one to another. Online casinos have hundreds of slots compared to 30 or 40 table games. The game is played on a random number generator. The objective of the game differs from the objective for each game.

The RTP of modern slot games is around 95 to 96%. Online casinos have fewer overheads so can afford tighter margins. Gamble Online slot game for real money provides information for US casino players on where to find the best real-money slot. games with high RPP.

Hit frequency is the most important metric that drives the behavior of a slot game. Hit frequency usually lies between 20 and 40 percent. Volatility is easy to describe but hard to quantify. High volatility means payouts are regular but low in value. Low volatility slot has a tendency to give away nothing most of the time, but to occasionally spit out a big prize.